The top 10 Colorado Springs neighborhoods
for Trick or Treating

List of the best Colorado Springs Neighborhoods to Trick or Treat In
Which Colorado Springs Neighborhoods are Best for Trick or Treaters
Recently the company Nextdoor has released which Colorado springs are the best for trick or treaters this year. The social network created a portion of their site on which individual houses could let others know if they’ll be handing out candy this Halloween, and that information was compiled into individual neighborhoods. All this led up to the final listing of which Colorado Springs neighborhoods would produce the best loot for your time.
The list is as follows:
Briargate/ Wedgewood Located near the U.S. Airforce Academy Airfield
Pronghorn Meadows Located near Jimmy Camp Creek Park
Forest Meadows Located just off E. Woodman Rd. and Black Forest Rd.
Indigo Ranch Stetson Ridge Located at 5204 Prominince Point, Colorado Springs CO
Wolf Ranch Located at 2409 Flying Horse Club Dr, Colorado Springs, CO
Patty Jewett Located near the Patty Jewett municipal golf course
Divine Redeemer Located at 926 Farragut Ave, Colorado Springs, CO
Cordera Located at Located at 11894 Grand Lawn Cir, Colorado Springs, CO
Pleasant Valley Located in West Colorado Springs off of Colorado Ave. and N 31st St.
And finally,
10. Flying Horse Located at 2409 Flying Horse Club Dr, Colorado Springs, CO
Anyone in these neighborhoods should create a Nextdoor account to see all the information about each location and individual houses giving out candy this year. All it takes is your street address and your email address and it becomes a private social network for your area. All of these locations are provided to make sure you and your family are able to make the most of your trick or treating this year, happy Halloween!